Fall Workshop November 2020
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Historias Americanas, Mexican American Studies, Adela Sloss Vento, League of United Latin American Citizens LULAC, Elizabeth Stanton, Eleanor Roosevelt, Suffragettes/female figures, TEKS
TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills): Mexican American Studies 8A: describe how Mexican Americans supported and changed government, 8F: discuss the role of various organizations such as GI Forum and LULAC that have participated in the Mexican American struggle for power.
Lesson objective(s): 1. The Learner will (TLW) explain the role and contribution Adela Sloss-Vento to the cause of political participation of women and the Mexican American struggle for a political voice. 2. TLW compare and contrast to one of the following suffragettes: Elizabeth Stanton, Eleanor Roosevelt.
Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs: 1. Reading out loud and clarifying instructions 2. Defining terms, analyzing maps and graphs, creating graphic organizers 3. Follow 504 plan and IEP
.PDF, 3 Pages
Recommended Citation
Tovar, Adrian, "Lesson Plan, Economics, 12th Grade" (2020). Fall Workshop November 2020. 9.