Symposium Summer 2021

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Creation Date

Summer 7-21-2021


United States, Mexico, Borderlands, Mexican American War, Texas, Lower Rio Grande Valley, Regional Importance, Regional History, Palo Alto Battlefield, TEKS, Public School, Place-Based Curriculum, Culturally Relevant Pedagogy


TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills): WG.5(A) analyze how the character of a place is related to its political economic, social and cultural elements WG.14 (C) analyze the human and physical factors that influence control of territories and resources, conflict/war and international relations of sovereign nations such as the United States

Lesson objective(s): 1. TLW will describe the formation of the South Texas Border during the period of the Mexican American War 2. TLW identify the details of the Battle of Palo Alto that led to the formation of the South Texas border region 3. TLW explain the significance of South Texas to the settlement of the Western Territory of the U.S.

Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs: -Students will utilize technology to research the historical significance of the Battle of Palo Alto - Students will visualize the battlefield by taking a virtual field trip to the site using 360 video to contextualize the physical scene of how the battle took place. - Students will participate in small group discussion about the historical significance of South Texas in the formation of the USA.


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