Information Systems Faculty Publications and Presentations

Integrated Model to Enhance Quality Contributions in Q&A Forums

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Q&A forums are self-governing, prosocial platforms that rely on the quality of members’ contributions, which is decided by the person who poses the question. Drawing on the theories of relational bonds and social presence, we propose a research model that links people’s social presence and interpersonal relationships to their ability to provide quality contributions in Q&A forums. We test the impact of the two social bonds—internal and external—as well as the structural bonds in a Q&A forum. There are significant theoretical and practical ramifications to this study. For theory, the study explores the various potentials of social relationships in Q&A forums and extends the relational bonds theory. Additionally, social presence is included in the suggested paradigm, emphasizing both its enhancing and restricting aspects. For practice, managers should promote external bonding by offering more features that facilitate connectivity to other platforms, but they should dissuade excessive external bonding.


© 2024 International Association for Computer Information Systems.

Publication Title

Journal of Computer Information Systems

