Theses and Dissertations - UTB/UTPA
Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
First Advisor
Dr. Jose Gutierrez
Second Advisor
Dr. Roberto Gregorious
Third Advisor
Dr. Banglin Chen
This study examines the instructional effect of flash animation on students' achievement in learning specific concepts of matter. The subjects used in this study were 5th-grade students of the researcher from Dan Ramirez Elementary. Each class or section of these students was randomly assigned as the control group (n = 20) and the experimental group (n =20). The subjects in the control group were exposed to traditional textbook reading while the subjects in the experimental group were exposed to flash animation. To measure the students' achievement from the concepts learned, a pre-test and a post test were both administered to the control group and the experimental group. Test results were analyzed using four different tests as an instrument. Paired t-tests were used to compare differences in pre-test and post test scores of each group. A significant difference was found in either paired t-test. The independent t-test used to analyze differences in the pre- test scores between the control and the experimental group shows that both groups were initially of the same level. The independent t-test used to analyze differences in post test scores revealed that there was a significant difference in the post test between the control group and the experimental group.
Granting Institution
University of Texas-Pan American
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