Theses and Dissertations - UTB/UTPA

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Business Administration (MBA)



First Advisor

Dr. Louie W. Walter

Second Advisor

Dr. William J. Vaughn

Third Advisor

Dr. Ronald E. Utecht


The purpose of this study was to determine whether employees in an organization have any influence in determining the management style under which they will perform their assigned duties. To accomplish this survey instruments were used to determine managers' personal opinions about their leadership style. For the employees near the bottom of the organizational hierarchy an instrument was needed to classify them into categories which might be responsive to a particular management style. The instruments selected were Fleishman's Leadership Opinion Questionnaire for the managers and the Center for Values Research survey form Value Systems Analysis for the employees.

The basic hypothesis is that employees have a more narrow zone of acceptance for authority today and have more determination over the job situation and management style under which they will work. If managers could recognize the value levels of their employees and adopt a management style to meet the needs of employee value levels a tremendous benefit would accrue to the employee, the manager and the organization in terms of jab satisfaction, low employee turnover and training expense, and greater production and goal attainment. The basic hypothesis was supported by the data but the relationship strength was biased by the large percentage of employees who were in transition between value levels. When classified according to the level in which individuals made the highest score, the hypothesis was statistically proven for this study sample. Employees did arrange themselves under managers whose style was compatible with their value level to a significant degree.


Copyright 1982 Tom Parker. All Rights Reserved.

Granting Institution

Pan American University at Brownsville
