Theses and Dissertations - UTB/UTPA
Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Electrical Engineering
First Advisor
Dr. Weidong Kuang
Second Advisor
Dr. Hasina Huq
Third Advisor
Dr. Yul Chu
This research in its present form is the result of experimentation on effect of soft error in FPGA-implemented asynchronous circuit. The conclusion are drawn that asynchronous circuit are much easier to detect soft error than synchronous circuits. The asynchronous circuit is implemented in FPGA with software fault injection method to analyze the behavior of soft error generation in FPGA implementation asynchronous circuits. The proposed detection circuit can detect all soft errors that generated in FPGA-implemented asynchronous circuit. The contributions include: investigation of FPGA structure, investigation of soft error model in FPGA, mechanism of FPGA implemented asynchronous circuit, behavior of soft error injection in FPGA look up table that implemented asynchronous circuit, and proposed detection scheme. The research on soft error injection in FPGA routing system and soft error rate estimation will be done in the future.
Granting Institution
University of Texas-Pan American
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