Theses and Dissertations - UTB/UTPA
Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Computer Science
First Advisor
Dr. Artem Chebotko
Second Advisor
Dr. Zhixiang Chen
Third Advisor
Dr. Pearl Brazier
Many researchers have proposed using conventional relational databases to store and query large Semantic Web datasets. The most complex component of this approach is SPARQL-to-SQL query translation. Existing algorithms perform this translation using either bottom-up or top-down strategy and result in semantically equivalent but syntactically different relational queries. Do relational query optimizers always produce identical query execution plans for semantically equivalent bottom-up and top-down queries? Which of the two strategies yields faster SQL queries? To address these questions, this work studies bottom-up and top-down translations of SPARQL queries with nested optional graph patterns. This work presents: (1) A basic graph pattern translation algorithm that yields flat SQL queries, (2) A bottom-up nested optional graph pattern translation algorithm, (3) A top-down nested optional graph pattern translation algorithm, and (4) A performance study featuring SPARQL queries with nested optional graph patterns over RDF databases created in Oracle, DB2, and PostgreSQL.
Granting Institution
University of Texas-Pan American
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