Theses and Dissertations - UTB/UTPA
Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Arts (MA)
First Advisor
Dr. Amy A. Weimer
Second Advisor
Dr. Philip G. Gasquoine
Third Advisor
Dr. Fredrick Ernst
The present study investigated relationships among parenting strategies, socioeconomic status, and theory of mind development in 88 (43 girls and 45 boys) predominantly Hispanic 3 – to 7-year-old children. Vocabulary and ToM reasoning (via one true and one false belief task) levels were assessed. Parents completed demographic surveys and a disciplinary questionnaire, which presented the parents with hypothetical corrective behavioral situations. Contrary to expectations there were no significant relations between ToM, parenting strategies, and socioeconomic status in the overall sample. However, examining children tested in English and children tested in Spanish separately yielded some significant results. In the Spanish-speaking sample, theory of mind and parenting strategies were significantly related (r = .40) and children’s picture vocabulary scores significantly related to age (r = .54). Among English speakers, children’s picture vocabulary scores significantly related to theory of mind (r = .30). Implications will be discussed.
Granting Institution
University of Texas-Pan American
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