Theses and Dissertations - UTB/UTPA
Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Health and Human Performance
First Advisor
Dr. Murat Karabulut
Second Advisor
Dr. Saraswathy Nair
Third Advisor
Dr. Christopher M. Ledingham
Supplement manufacturers are widely unregulated and are only held accountable for products if their supplement is shown to cause harm. To take advantage, some manufacturers use false or sensationalized claims that have little or no scientific backing. Due to the lack of testing for many supplements, this study will seek to determine multiple effects of the weight loss supplement, Shred Matrix.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to 1) examine the acute effects of the weight loss aid, Shred Matrix, on hemodynamic responses, substrate utilization, endurance, arterial compliance, and body water distribution; 2) To investigate the differences between athletes and non-athletes on the previously stated measures.
METHODS: 31 subjects underwent a randomized, double-blind, crossover design study and were given a placebo or Shred Matrix on two separate days. Baseline measures of all variables were assessed prior to exercise. During exercise, each subject ran on a treadmill at 80% VO2 Max until volitional fatigue. While running, HR, VO2, and respiratory exchange ratio were continuously monitored. Immediately post-exercise, arterial elasticity was measured at 0, 10, 20, and 40 minutes. Body fluid analyses were performed at 5 and 30 minutes post-exercise. PWV was measured at 5, 15, 25, and 35 minutes postexercise.
RESULTS: Significant condition differences existed for ECF in non-athlete males (p=.023). Carotid to radial PWV was significant (p=.01). There was a significant condition*time interaction with Shred Matrix having a higher PWV for the carotid to femoral segment (p=.003) and the femoral to distal segment (p=.018). LAE was significantly lower for Shred Matrix (p=.003). SBP was conditionally higher (p=.001), as was DBP (p=.003), MAP (p=.001), and PP (p=.035). There were significant v condition*time interactions for PR (p=.001) and SV (p=.016). VR was conditionally significant (p=.05). RER while running was significantly higher (p=.034) with Shred Matrix. Only female non-athletes ran longer on Shred Matrix (p=.033).
CONCLUSION: Shred Matrix caused multiple negative effects in hemodynamics and arterial compliance. Consumers should educate themselves before purchasing supplements and visit with a physician to determine any preexisting conditions that might be cause for concern.
Granting Institution
University of Texas Brownsville
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