Theses and Dissertations - UTB/UTPA

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)

First Advisor

Dr. Jose R. Hinojosa

Second Advisor

Dr. Robert Wrinkle

Third Advisor

Dr. Gary Tschoepe


As a special project of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service, the AmeriCorps program requires special supervisional and management competencies on the part of supervising agents at the local level. This study tested 131 variables as indicators of high performance and surveyed all fourteen agent supervisors. Management areas were divided into structure, performance management, office management, and competencies. Exemplary supervisors were identified in a triangulation model that involved nominations by peers, immediate supervisors, and the AmeriCorps project director.

Findings were that the use of the plan of work and incorporation of project goals were highly related to high performance. Coaching behavior among supervisors was also highly related and the pattern of use for performance management tools used also provided evidence of a correlation. Flexibility, while important, was most predictive of high performance when exercised at a moderate level rather than a high level. Finally, the perception of a strong partnership between the project and local level and a high value for building partnerships was found to be important in predicting high performance for the AmeriCorps special project.


Copyright 1998 Ruben Javier Saldana. All Rights Reserved.

Granting Institution

University of Texas-Pan American
