Theses and Dissertations - UTB/UTPA
Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Fine Arts (MFA)
First Advisor
Dr. Nancy Moyer
Second Advisor
Philip Field
Third Advisor
Richard Hyslin
First. I will give the reader a brief but detailed biography. It covers the period of time from my birth all the way to my college graduation. This section gives the reader an idea about my beginnings as an artist, and about the hardships that I have endured during my lifetime.
Second, this paper talks about the work, and my main sources of inspiration. In it I explain to the reader what have been my sources of inspiration from childhood all the way to the present time. One of my first sources of inspiration were the old Mexican movies that I saw when I was a child. We had the opportunity to see these movies once a week when the traveling movie theater came to our village. I lived in the hacienda El Granjenal which is located in the outskirts of General Teran a small town southeast of Monterrey. Mexico. I was five or six years old at the time, and these movies made a great impression on me. Most of these movies portrayed the charro or the Mexican cowboy in a romantic way. These films were shown on a Saturday night. After the movie I would go home, and I would have a hard time going to sleep. I would get so excited about the characters that I had seen in the movies that I couldn't wait until the next day to start drawing their pictures. The charro movies were my first source of inspiration. Another thing that inspired me to create artwork were the landscapes of Northern Mexico. Everywhere I looked. I saw the vast landscapes, people riding on horseback or going about their daily chores. My work portrays the customs of the people in the state of Nuevo Leon. Mexico as well as those of the people who live in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. The last, but not the least when it comes to sources of inspiration, are my cultural surroundings: which will include both northern Mexico and The Rio Grande Valley. I always seem to find something interesting to paint every time I focus on my culture. It provides me with a wide variety of themes that I can choose from. Some of these themes could include the breaking of a pinata. a cockfight, a backyard dance: the list could go on and on.
The last section of my paper focuses on my M.F.A.. series. In this section I give the reader a brief description of each one of the artworks in that body of work. Most of the works in this series are representations of childhood memories and experiences. The rest of the work includes daily life scenes at the present time.
Granting Institution
University of Texas-Pan American
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