Theses and Dissertations - UTB/UTPA
Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Arts (MA)
Theatre Arts
First Advisor
Dr. Marian F. Monta
Second Advisor
Dr. Salma Ghanem
Third Advisor
Dr. Eric Wiley
The purpose of this creative thesis and study was to examine, through a comprehensive analysis of the processes, how an original children's play was conceived, written, and produced, using the play Enough of the Huff and Puff, as the study's basis.
The study begins with an examination of goals of the drama program at South Texas Community College, and subsequently establishes a justification for children's theatre. It continues with a detailed analysis of how the play came to be written. Also included are, as the title indicates, explanations of practical considerations such as staging difficulties encountered and overcome, casting decisions, set design challenges, and acting methodologies for children's theatre (which included practical considerations when acting for an audience of primarily children).
Since the creative work of actually writing the play was an integral part of this thesis, the full original script is included here, as well as the revised script that was written following the original production.
Changes to the original, along with brief annotations explaining the artistic reasons why the change was deemed necessary, are included as footnotes on the original script. Performances of the revised play were given at the University of Texas - Pan American, Edinburg, Texas (December 1–3, 2000), at and Edcouch-Elsa High School in Edcouch, Texas (December 16–18, 2000).
Granting Institution
University of Texas-Pan American
Copyright 2001 Brian James Warren. All Rights Reserved.