Theses and Dissertations - UTB/UTPA

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Interdisciplinary Studies (MIDS)



First Advisor

Dr. Rodolfo Rocha

Second Advisor

Dr. Mark Glazer

Third Advisor

Dr. Roberto M. Salmon


The pre-Columbian cultures occupying the geographic complex known today as South Texas and the Mexican state of Tamaulipas, lived a nomadic existence for thousands of years. Spaniards explored the area shortly after their arrival in America and attempted to colonize among the Indians. They were unsuccessful until the mid 1700s. By that time, Iberian culture had adapted to American conditions and had emerged in a Mexican form. Indian societies had been integrated into the new Spanish-Mexican culture. This society, more tolerant of indigenous populations, succeeded in establishing communities among Coahuiltecos, residents of South Texas and Tamaulipas. Spanish-Mexicans also modified established native traditions, adapted theirs to the environment, and created a norteño society. Indians and Spanish-Mexicans made important contributions to the present cultures in South Texas. This study examined the Indian and Spanish-Mexican roots of the Lower Rio Grande Valley's heritage in its cultural setting.


Copyright 1984 Juanita Elizondo Garza. All Rights Reserved.

Granting Institution

Pan American University
