Theses and Dissertations - UTB/UTPA

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Manufacturing Engineering

First Advisor

Dr. James P. Ignizio

Second Advisor

Dr. Douglas Timmer

Third Advisor

Dr. Jianzhi Li


Presently, there is theory and work examples about factory performance presented in the book ―Optimizing factory Performance‖ by James Ignizio, Ph.D. The theory explains how to determine performance using three fundamental equations by considering the impact and propagation of variability through a 12-Workstation Factory Model, and a number of its variations. The objective of developing a simulation model was to serve as a tool for instructors to illustrate the impact and propagation of variability in the manufacturing industry and to investigate phenomena (i.e., time to reach steady state, impact of variability) in the three dimensions of manufacturing. The validation of the concepts and equations related to the 12- Workstation Factory Model [Ignizio 2009] was conducted using an object oriented Discrete Event Simulation Software Platform (ExtendSim), combined with the creation of several algorithms that allowed artificial introduction of variability and randomness into the model.


Copyright 2011 Hernando Garrido. All Rights Reserved.

Granting Institution

University of Texas-Pan American

Included in

Manufacturing Commons
