Theses and Dissertations - UTB/UTPA

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Dr. K. Daniel Murray

Second Advisor

Dr. Scott Gunn

Third Advisor

Dr. Hassan Ahmad


Two genes involved in the metabolism of ppGpp are relA and spoT . A relX mutant has altered ppGpp levels, so relX may be a regulator of the RelA or SpoT enzymes. The growth of the relX mutant has been reported to be both temperature and leucine sensitive. It was discovered in this work that this relX mutant is not temperature sensitive, however it is leucine sensitive. The original goal was to study effects of the relX gene on ppGpp metabolism. During the process of mapping the relX gene, it was discovered that the leucine sensitivity was caused by some other genetic locus. This locus was mapped and identified as either ilvB or ilvN , both of which are genes involved in amino acid biosynthesis.


Copyright 2002 Roxanne Enid Garza. All Rights Reserved.

Granting Institution

University of Texas-Pan American

Included in

Microbiology Commons
