Theses and Dissertations - UTB/UTPA
Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Manufacturing Engineering
First Advisor
Dr. Miguel A. Gonzalez
Second Advisor
Dr. Douglas Timmer
Third Advisor
Dr. Jerwen Jou
The Maquiladora Industry has enhanced economic development in the U.S. and Mexico border region. Initially, investors came to set up assembly lines requiring a small amount of technical skill; however, increases in the technological level of products have created the need for companies to require more technical expertise from their staff. Today, the requirement is for the design or redesign of some of their products and the manufacturing processes required to make these products. This brings managerial problems in dealing with technical people in cross cultural environments. These problems deal with staffing issues such as getting the right people and keeping them within the company. For this research, a description of the differences between members of maquila companies with different countries of origin, and to what extent these cultural differences have some influence with Mexican staff is presented. This research presents an analysis of the motivational policies and the influence of cultural differences when dealing with these problems in the maquila industry. In addition, recommendations for changes based on a statistical analysis of the cultural differences and a methodology to analyze which factors will have an influence in the motivation of Mexican staff working in cross cultural environments such as the maquila are shown. These methodologies should provide a tool for a better professional staff motivation.
Granting Institution
University of Texas-Pan American
Copyright 2003 Daniel Martin Reynoso Ortiz. All Rights Reserved.