Theses and Dissertations - UTB/UTPA

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Manufacturing Engineering

First Advisor

Dr. Miguel A. Gonzalez

Second Advisor

Dr. Douglas Timmer

Third Advisor

Dr. Mashim S. Madhi


There are few activities or work task in the manufacturing industry that does not involve grip strength. That is why it is in the best interest of the manufacturing industry to have an understanding of the optimum grip strength gain capacity over time that would lead to better performance, accuracy and most of all prevent hand grip related injuries. For that reason, this thesis was concentrated in discovering a possible basic working model for estimating grip strength over time for a specific grip strength activity. The first step was to observe the trend characteristics of the strength gain data over time from several participants on a particular grip related task. The next step was to find a mathematical model that could best estimate grip strength gains for that particular group. A performance capacity training regimen was designed for hand grip to collect data and observe this grip strength gains. The training regimen consisted of a four weeks training period, a two weeks layoff period, and a five week retraining period. Observations were noted for the gains between the layoff period, the gains before and after the lay off break. The data obtained was fitted with several regressions to determine if there is a general function that would fit all the participants' data. Once the best regression model was found, a linearization approach was implemented to observe their slopes (grip strength gain rate) and y-intercepts (initial grip strength) in an attempt to determine if it is possible to use a single function model to estimate grip strength gain for a particular group.


Copyright 2003 Miguel Torres. All Rights Reserved.

Granting Institution

University of Texas-Pan American

Included in

Manufacturing Commons
