Theses and Dissertations - UTB/UTPA

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Manufacturing Engineering

First Advisor

Dr. Miguel A. Gonzalez

Second Advisor

Dr. Douglas Timmer

Third Advisor

Dr. Zhixiang Chen


The Legacy cycle is an instructional model that emphasizes inquiry. Learners are faced with progressively complex challenges. For each challenge, learners generate initial thoughts on how they might react to the challenges. In this thesis, a web based instructional method that evaluates interactivity and motivation is presented. The system presented in the thesis helps student to integrate the use of legacy cycle approach in the regular study of aerobic and anaerobic and muscle static work capacity modules. The thesis also focuses on developing modules which contain challenges encompassing various sections, which helps student as an asynchronous learning tool, intended for concept review, homework, and group projects after lectures introducing the concepts presented in class. The results indicate that the web based instructional system presented in the thesis is an effective approach for creating Web-based instructional supports that utilize learner-centered design guidelines for the investigation of human work capacities focusing on the lift mechanism.


Copyright 2004 Anant Ravindra Deshpande. All Rights Reserved.

Granting Institution

University of Texas-Pan American

Included in

Manufacturing Commons
