Theses and Dissertations - UTB/UTPA

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Dr. Cory cunningham

Second Advisor

Dr. Jessica Raley

Third Advisor

Dr. Gregory Selber


Little research has focused on women with and without children in the workplace and their work-life balance. This study is conducted through the lens of organizational culture in order to determine how different workplace policies can influence women and their job satisfaction and level of job stress. The participants for this study included 172 female students and staff (working full and part time) from an institution of higher education in South Texas. Results showed no significant differences in women's job satisfaction or stress level at work, regardless of having children or not. However, there is a positive relationship between women's job satisfaction and perceived family-friendly culture as well as a negative relationship between women's job stress and perceived family-friendly culture. Organizations must implement family-friendly policies because it is clear when women feel that they have achieved a work-life balance, they are more satisfied at work and therefore are better employees.


Copyright 2013 Nina Ciric. All Rights Reserved.

Granting Institution

University of Texas-Pan American

Included in

Communication Commons
