Theses and Dissertations - UTB/UTPA
Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Education (EdD)
Educational Leadership
First Advisor
Dr. Miguel A. Guajardo
Second Advisor
Dr. Anita Pankake
Third Advisor
Dr. Elena Bastida
Spirit-filled experiences have been customarily silent in the discourse of education. This area has been misunderstood and solely left to the religious arena to discover its development creating compartmentalized concepts and depriving other organizational systems from implementing its rich resourcefulness. This study seeks to provide ontological and epistemological knowledge to uncover and understand the power of the spiritual dimension in the life of successful educational leaders. By conceptualizing spirituality in educational leadership, this qualitative study seeks to explore successful educational leaders' use of spirituality to strengthen their effectiveness as it relates to school and their performance. Based on the major findings emerging from the study, four conclusions related to educational leadership are warranted: accountability and compliance, curriculum and instruction, planning and decision-making, and community involvement. A proposed conceptual framework for a new view of leadership is recommended. This interactive atom shaped model, symbolizing energy, interconnects the spiritual element in the educational leaders' intra-personal, interpersonal, and ecological relationships producing new life for the educational system and global organism.
Granting Institution
University of Texas-Pan American
Copyright 2005 Rosalina Ruiz. All Rights Reserved.