Theses and Dissertations - UTB/UTPA
Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Fine Arts (MFA)
Creative Writing
First Advisor
Dr. Emmy Perez
Second Advisor
Dr. Steven Schneider
Third Advisor
Dr. Jean Braithwaite
This thesis is a collection of poems about my experience realizing that I was transgender, working through my feelings prior to this realization, the moment of realization, and the fallout that comes afterword. It begins by dealing with the feelings of depression and alienation that accompany unrecognized feelings of gender dysphoria, examining feelings of disconnect from the body, the mind, and everyday life. It builds to the slow realization of being a trans woman, a woman taught to be a man by society, and the joy and relief that comes with that epiphany. Finally it looks at what comes afterword, the fears and hopes that come as the poems look towards the future, and begin to examine trans issues from a more political standpoint, externalizing the issues that were internalized in the earlier poems.
Granting Institution
University of Texas-Pan American
Copyright 2014 Joshua Murray. All Rights Reserved.