Theses and Dissertations - UTB/UTPA

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


Creative Writing

First Advisor

Emmy Perez

Second Advisor

Dr. Marci R. McMahon

Third Advisor

Dr. William Broz


This project is a manuscript for a YA novel written in verse and represents the type of YA literature I hope to publish after graduating. Awake chronicles the story of Alejandra de Luna, a high school student from the Rio Grande Valley who must come to terms with an abusive home situation, while at the same time struggling to find her place and her voice as an artist, writer, daughter, and young Latina. To complicate her world more, she begins to dream of Tenochtitlan, the former capital of the Aztec Empire. She experiences Aztec culture as one of patriarchy and violence through the dialogue of several Aztec characters, one of which crosses the threshold of time to become part of Alejandra.


Copyright 2011 Minerva Vasquez. All Rights Reserved.

Granting Institution

University of Texas-Pan American
