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Publication Date

Fall 11-15-2024


A Data Management Plan (DMP) is a living document which details the collection, organization, storage, and archive of research data over the course of a research project. This presentation is meant to serve as an overview of what is included in a Data Management Plan. A DMP is required by federal institutions distributing grant awards where the proposed research project will be engaging with research data. Areas that must be included in the DMP usually consist of a description of research data collection procedures, processing, analysis, storage, and archive of the research output. Furthermore, a DMP will describe the roles and responsibilities of those working on the research project, and action plans in the case of a disaster that may cause loss, or corruption, of the research data. Other areas included in a DMP are intended data repositories, data standards that will be implemented, and descriptions of ethics and procedures handling data collected from human participants. Additionally, this presentation also covers the Data Management Plan Tool, and Open-Source tool which assists researchers with the development of their DMP's. This is a tool that faculty have access to if your institution is signed up with the DMP Tool.

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