Lower Rio Grande Valley Curated Material
LRGV RARE HJ6762.M372 P562 1841
Creation Date
Business | History | Law
(Original introduction)
La acalorada controversia sobre introduccion por el puerto e Matamoros de efectos prohibidos que parecia haber ya terminado, se ha vuelto a suscitar ocasion de haberse decomisado en el Saltillo cinta cantidad de libras de hilaza de algodon estrangera, que caminaba con guias de esta Aduana maritima...
Para vindicarme a mi y a ella, basta publicar ,el informe justificativo que se acompania, estendido en cumplimiento de la orden del Ministerio de Hacienda pues en el se ve que cuando por Suprema disposicion de 1 de Mayo de 1839 se volvio a permitir la introduccion por este puerto de efectos prohibidos no se hizo excepcion ni exijio requisito alguno, a diferencian de la autorizacion de 30 de Septiembre ultimo, que solo permitia la introduccion de los efectos para los cuales librase expreso permiso el Sr. General Arista.
(Translated introduction)
The heated introduction controversy through the port and Matamoros of prohibited effects that seemed to have already finished has arisen again occasion of having been confiscated in Saltillo ribbon amount of pounds of cotton yarn stranger, who walked with guides of this Customs maritime...
To vindicate me and her, it is enough to publish the supporting justification report, issued in compliance with the order of the Ministry of Finance, since it is seen that when the Supreme Court provision of May 1, 1839, the introduction through this port of prohibited effects was allowed again, no exception was made nor did it require any requirements, unlike the authorization of September 30 last, that it only allowed the introduction of the effects for which Mr. General Arista expressly released permission.
Physical Description
.PDF, 22 Pages, 37 MB
Recommended Citation
Lower Rio Grande Valley, UTRGV Digital Library, The University of Texas – Rio Grande Valley. Accessed via https://scholarworks.utrgv.edu/lrgv