Lower Rio Grande Valley Curated Material
A Camera Journey Through The Lower Valley of the Rio Grande [booklet]
Julia Cameron Montgomery and Monty's Monthly News
Booklet promoting citrus farming in the lower Rio Grande Valley. Includes historical data, maps, and photographs.
A Valley Hello [brochure]
Plaza National Bank (Harlingen, TX)
A promotional brochure likely compiled by local chambers of commerce that features information on regional businesses, attractions, and leisure activities. Includes fold-out map and recipes.
Also includes a brief overview of the Pan American University Marine Biology Laboratory, which is now known as the UTRGV Coastal Studies Lab.
Brownsville herald (Brownsville, Tex.) [1920s in review]
Brownsville Herald Publishing Co.
Newspapers clippings from the special issue of the Brownsville Herald. It highlights major events that occurred in the Lower Rio Grande Valley and the world from 1922-1929.
Brownsville herald (Brownsville, Tex.) 50th Anniversary Edition
Brownsville Herald Publishing Co.
A year by year chronology of Valley history from 1892 to 1942, published by The Brownsville Herald on December 6, 1942. (Note: pages from this edition not related to the topic have been intentionally omitted)
Brownsville, Texas, Fort Brown & Matamoros, Mexico - Original souvenir albums of all American & Canadian cities & sceneries
W. H. Chatfield and Chisolm Bros.
General view of Brownsville -- Elizabeth St. south end -- Twelfth St. looking east -- Mexican Jacales -- Steamboat landing, Rio Grande River -- Rio Grande Railroad depot and repair shots -- Grammar school building -- Brothers college -- Convent school -- Corner of Market Square -- Episcopal church and rectory -- Presbyterian church -- Catholic cathedral -- City market and plaza -- Convent -- General view of Fort Brown -- Summer uniform -- Headquarters -- Cathedral and Custom house -- United States Consulate -- Headquarters of 4th Military Zone -- A corner of the plaza -- Street scene: Abasolo & 7th sts. -- Opera house -- Old Spanish church -- City market -- Ferries over Rio Grande and Custom offices -- County court house -- Water carts -- H. E. Woodhouse home, Thomas Carson home -- S. W. Brooks home -- Emilio C. Forto home -- William Kelly home -- View west from court house -- Antonio Yznaga residence -- Residence of Robert Dalzell -- View from north court house.
Celaya Family Memories, 1927-1949
Frederick J. Celaya and Marjorie M. Celaya
Video recording of Frederick J. Celaya and Marjorie M. Celaya describing and identifying recorded pioneer family memories. The beginning reels are filmed primarily in downtown Brownsville and the vicinity by Jose (Joe) Celaya. The later reels were filmed by Charlie Celaya and feature daily life scenes in Brownsville, and some in Rio Grande City.
Charro Days, 1938 February 24–27
Charro Days, Inc.
Booklet that serves as an invitation to and program schedule for the first annual Charro Days fiesta in Brownsville, February 24–27, 1938. The booklet also outlines traditions, including costumes, dance, and more.
It includes a program of events and lists the Board of Directors and Committee Chairmen/women. Many local business are featured as advertisers and supporters of the Charro Days fiesta.
CONTENT WARNING: This booklet contains language that is potentially harmful, including racist, outdated, biased, and other potentially offensive views that do not reflect the opinions or positions of UTRGV University Library.
Charro Days, 1941 February 20–23
Charro Days, Inc.
Booklet inviting attendees to the 4th Annual Gala Celebration of Charro Days, February 20–23, 1941 at Brownsville, Texas. The booklet describes the traditions surrounding the event, including dress, history, and culture.
It includes a program of events and lists the Board of Directors and Committee Chairmen/women.
Booklet published by Shelton Bros. Artwork by Genevieve Armstrong.
CONTENT WARNING: This booklet contains language that is potentially harmful, including racist, outdated, biased, and other potentially offensive views that do not reflect the opinions or positions of UTRGV University Library.
Charro Days Brochure
Charro Days, Inc.
Brochure advertising Charro Days activities and events in Brownsville
Daily review (Edinburg, Tex.) [Centennial Edition] 100 Years of History Hidalgo County_Part 01
The Daily Review and Allan Engleman
Faithful Falcons / Aida Barrera -- Fathers of the Valley–1800 / Dorothy McWhorter -- Hidalgo's Two Musketeers-1905 / Shirley Ann Wallace -- Royal Salt Mine-1730 / Dorothy Burnett -- Citrus King Of Texas-1892 / Jackie Lee Carter -- Edinburg Gets County Seat-1908 / Vilma Gorena -- Legend Of Juan Grande-1820 / Frances Garza -- Valley Terminology-1802 / Joyce Jean Turner -- Martyr of Hidalgo-1854 / Sara S. Weaver -- El Mesquite-1528 / Mary K. Elliott -- First Commissioners' Meeting-1852 / Morgan Groves -- Texas Mustang-1785 / Wanda Davis -- Oil In The Valley-1910 / Otto Woods -- Early Hidalgo Transportation / Dora Mae Kelley -- Better Roads Worst Need-1852 / Morgan Groves -- County Land Grants-1798 -- White Gold Of Bagdad-1840 / Margaret Looney -- A Trip To La Coma Ranch-1903 / Hidalgo Advance -- First Commissioner's Meeting-1852 -- Edinburgh-Circa 1893 / W. H. Chatfield -- A. Y. Baker, Political Ruler-1920 / Allan Engleman -- Border Patrol-1924 -- Battle of Ojo De Agua [Ojo de Agua Raid]-1915 / Louis Consler -- Vegetable and Citrus-1902 / W. H. Friend -- County Agriculture Statistics-1890 / W. H. Chatfield.
Daily review (Edinburg, Tex.) [Centennial Edition] 100 Years of History Hidalgo County_Part 02
The Daily Review and Allan Engleman
William Jennings Bryan-1909 / Jon Dee Lawrence – Lea H. McNelly, Texas Ranger-1870 / E. Neil Fesler -- Laguna Seca Ranch-1870 / Robbie Wolfe -- Panama Canal Aids Valley-1911 / E. G. Manning -- John Closner, Hidalgo lawman-1890 / Dora Mae Kelley -- Indians In The Valley-1000 / Robert Hodges -- Dr. J. M. McMillan, Pioneer-1904 / Early Hidalgo Ranches-1893 / W. H. Chatfield -- Nathaniel Jackson-1858 / Mary Alice Ramirez -- Tales of Monte Christo [Montecristo]-1910 / Otto Woods -- The Wonderful Valley-1952 -- Colonization of Hidalgo-1747 / History of Monte Christo [Montecristo]-1860 -- Rio Grande Entertainment-1800 / Alma Nelda Barrera -- La Coma Ranch-1903 / Hidalgo Advance -- The Rio Grande-1860 / Wanda Davis -- Last Battle of Civil War-1865 / Betty Jean Silver -- Irrigation Enters Valley-1847 / Jim Farmer -- La Sierrita Treasures-1860 / Kathleen Heaton -- Hidalgo Cattle Brands-1852 -- Orange Comes To Texas-1873 / Henry Hall, Jr. -- Peace Maker of The Valley-1860 / Jack Alexander – Karankawa Indians-1800 / Doris Jeanne Foutz -- John McAllen, 'Scotsman Invader'-1852 / John Preston -- First Land Grant-1768 / John Dee Lawrence -- The County's Father-1753 / Shirley Sampson.
"Greetings from the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas " Souvenir Folder [postcards]
Curtis Tech & Company (Chicago, IL) and C & H News Company (Harlingen, TX)
Souvenir postcards promoting the lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas for vacation travel, agriculture, and ideal living conditions.
Headquarters Western Sub-District of Texas [Civil War Broadside]
James Edwin Slaughter and L. G. Aldrich
"Headquarters Western Sub-District of Texas,
Brownsville, December 9, 1864.
General Orders, No. 12,
In accordance with orders from District Headquarters, the following instructions to troop [sic] serving in this District, are again promulgated for the information of all concerned.
Eagle Pass, Laredo, Rio Grande City and Edinburg have been ordered open ports for the ex-portation of all cotton by the way of the frontier; and any cotton found crossing the river at any other point, expect by special permission from these Headquarters, or evidently proceeding to any other than the designated ports, will be confiscated and one-half of the proceeds of sale will be awarded to the captors.
Upon arrival within forty miles of the river all trains must take the regular road, and any train found deviating therefrom, will be considered as evading this order, and the cotton will be confiscated.
By command of Brig. Gen. J.E. Slaughter.
L. G. Aldrich,
A. A. Gen'l."
Hearings Before the Committee on Military Affairs, United States Senate Concerning the Affray at Brownsville, Tex., on the Night of August 13 and 14, 1906
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Military Affairs
Compiled documentation about the Brownsville (Tex.) Affair including testimony gathered by the Committee on Military Affairs from soldiers of the Twenty-fifth Infantry Regiment on the events of the Brownsville Affray.
History of Jose Vasquez Borrego Grant
C. Alegria, E M. Seay, and Leopoldo Martinez
Typed Spanish and English translations of "...the history of the settlement on certain lands on the bank of the Rio del Norte by Jose Basquez Borrego..." by C. Alegria in 1930. Donated by Hubert J. Miller.
NOTE: The file does not contain facsimiles of the original manuscripts.
Hug the Coast Highway Celebration [program and brochure]
Hug the Coast Highway
Official Program for the Hug-the-Coast Highway Celebration held December 17th, 1940 in Raymondville, Texas.
Also includes a brochure, "HUG THE COAST HIGHWAY THROUGH THE STATE OF TEXAS From The Louisiana State Line to The Mexican Border, NOTE: The points of interest along this beautiful highway and other information, are shown in small type following each town. For more detailed information consult the local Chamber of Commerce."
Jan & Carl Seale Sheet Music: Bird Songs
Jan Seale and Carl Seale
Mourning Dove -- Roadrunner -- Drinking a cardinal -- Gold-fronted woodpecker -- A prayer concerning chachalaca -- In late day.
Chamber music (vocal and instrumental). Voice, piano and flute, six songs. Also on CD: 4 and 4a. Text by: Jan Epton Seale.
Letters from Your Northern Neighbors Who Are Now Satisfied and Prosperous Lower Rio Grande Valley Farmers [brochure]
Oliver-Jackson Investment Company (Kansas City, MO)
Brochure published by Oliver-Jackson Investment Company featuring "Letters from Your Northern Neighbors Who Are Now Satisfied and Prosperous Lower Rio Grande Valley Farmers."
Memories: A glimpse of life in Brownsville, Texas and other cities in the 1940s
Earl Bowman
The black and white/color silent film features highlights of a road trip from Oneida, Illinois to Brownsville, Texas, including film of Oklahoma, North Texas, the Rio Grande Valley and New Orleans, Louisiana. Featured in the film are Charro Days celebrations and Pan American Airways at Brownsville.
This film was taken originally in 1940 on 8 mm. film by Mr. & Mrs. Earl Bowman of Oneida, Illinois, on their trip to Brownsville, Texas to visit Mr. and Mrs. Royal Sundell. Royal Sundell was the manager of Pan-American Airways in Brownsville.
Missouri Pacific Lines - Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas [brochure]
Missouri Pacific Lines [railway brochure] promoting the lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas
"What Editors of Some of the Country's Leading Farm Journals Saw on a Tour of the. Lower Rio Grande Valley
To broaden their store of knowledge of agricultural conditions, members of the American Agricultural Editor's Association, made a three-week tour over the Missouri Pacific Lines in Louisiana, Texas, and through Mexico in March and April 1927. The Association is composed of editorial heads of the country's leading farm publications.Extracts from some of the many articles they wrote concerning the Lower Rio Grande Valley are reprinted on the following pages. Published for the Information of Those Interested in This New and Growing Section of South Texas by The Missouri Pacific Lines"
Plan of Development for Valley Gravity Project
Julius A. Krug, Michael W. Straus, and Wesley R. Nelson
"The Valley Gravity Project Plan has been formulated to furnish an adequate and dependable irrigation water supply for fertile and productive area in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas, It would also provide drainage works, which would remove the threat of destruction of the economy of the area due to effects of a high water table and salt accumulations. The project works would permit generation of the maximum practicable amount of electrical energy which otherwise would be required to operate irrigation pumping plants. Other incidental benefits include fish and wildlife conservation, recreation and flood control."
Project report no. 5-0619-0
Proceedings of the Joint Committee of the Senate and the House in the investigation of the Texas State Ranger Force, Volume I
J. T. (Jose Tomas) Canales, William Madison Tidwell, Robert Lee Williford, Dan Scott McMillin, Paul Dewitt Page, and William Harrison Bledsoe
From the Texas State Library and Archives Commission Rangers and Outlaws web page:
"Raids and cattle theft had been a sporadic problem along the Mexican border for decades, but in 1915, revolutionaries began to target symbols of American oppression for destruction, including farms, irrigation systems, and railroad lines. Local law enforcement could not cope with the escalating lawlessness. The Texas governor dispatched the Texas Rangers to restore order and chase the revolutionaries back to the Mexican side of the line. (The unrest spanned the terms of three governors: Oscar Colquitt, James E. "Pa" Ferguson, and William Hobby.) As the violence grew worse, the legislature authorized the creation of special companies called Loyalty Rangers to police the border.
Unfortunately, these Rangers wrote a black chapter in the history of their organization. Not content to police the area, they engaged in heavy-handed bullying of the Tejano population and worse. It is estimated that as many as 5000 Hispanics were killed by the Rangers between 1914 and 1919. (About 400 white Texans were killed in the unrest on the border, and millions of dollars in property was destroyed.) Some shocking atrocities were perpetrated against civilians on both sides.
In 1918, Texas state representative José T. Canales of Brownsville launched an investigation into the conduct of the Texas Rangers during the border wars and filed nineteen charges of misconduct against the Rangers. The following year, the Texas legislature formed a joint House-Senate committee to look into Canales's charges. They heard testimony for two weeks.
As a result of the investigation, the Loyalty Rangers were abolished, and the Texas Rangers were reduced in force. Higher recruiting standards were put in place, and the pay of Rangers was increased to attract and retain higher-quality officers. Finally, procedures were implemented to better hear complaints from citizens about misconduct. These reforms helped the Rangers return to a position of respect during the 1920s and 1930s."
Proceedings of the Joint Committee of the Senate and the House in the investigation of the Texas State Ranger Force, Volume II
J. T. (Jose Tomas) Canales, William Madison Tidwell, Robert Lee Williford, Dan Scott McMillin, Paul Dewitt Page, and William Harrison Bledsoe
Volume 3 can be located here.
Processing notes
William Flores
Naming conventions were changed for increased discoverability.
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Utilized names of books cataloged on Alma catalog.
Migrated from ContentDM to BePress on August 14, 2020.
Satisfacción al público del administrador de la Aduana Marítima de Matamoros
Manuel Pina y Cuevas
(Original introduction)
La acalorada controversia sobre introduccion por el puerto e Matamoros de efectos prohibidos que parecia haber ya terminado, se ha vuelto a suscitar ocasion de haberse decomisado en el Saltillo cinta cantidad de libras de hilaza de algodon estrangera, que caminaba con guias de esta Aduana maritima...
Para vindicarme a mi y a ella, basta publicar ,el informe justificativo que se acompania, estendido en cumplimiento de la orden del Ministerio de Hacienda pues en el se ve que cuando por Suprema disposicion de 1 de Mayo de 1839 se volvio a permitir la introduccion por este puerto de efectos prohibidos no se hizo excepcion ni exijio requisito alguno, a diferencian de la autorizacion de 30 de Septiembre ultimo, que solo permitia la introduccion de los efectos para los cuales librase expreso permiso el Sr. General Arista.
(Translated introduction)
The heated introduction controversy through the port and Matamoros of prohibited effects that seemed to have already finished has arisen again occasion of having been confiscated in Saltillo ribbon amount of pounds of cotton yarn stranger, who walked with guides of this Customs maritime...
To vindicate me and her, it is enough to publish the supporting justification report, issued in compliance with the order of the Ministry of Finance, since it is seen that when the Supreme Court provision of May 1, 1839, the introduction through this port of prohibited effects was allowed again, no exception was made nor did it require any requirements, unlike the authorization of September 30 last, that it only allowed the introduction of the effects for which Mr. General Arista expressly released permission.
Sharyland song book [booklet]
Southwestern Land Co., Dallas, TX; John H. Shary; and L N. Olmsted
Booklet of song lyrics. Distributed during land excursions in the Rio Grande Valley. 1920ca
Soil Survey of Cameron County, Texas
Miles Walter Beck, United States. Bureau of Chemistry and Soils., Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, and Bertram Higbie Hendrickson
Text describes climate, agriculture, and soils of Cameron County, Texas.
Soil Survey of Hidalgo County, Texas
Herman William Hawker, Miles Walter Beck, Robert Eddins Devereux, United States. Bureau of Chemistry and Soils., and Texas Agricultural Experiment Station
A government publication describing the soil conditions of Hidalgo County, Texas in the late 1920's.
Souvenir of the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas: original poems of the Valley and songs
W. E. Stewart Land Co.
America -- Fair Valley land -- Where the Rio Grande is flowing -- Going down to Texas -- Sweet Genevieve -- My old Kentucky home -- The Rio Grande Valley -- It's a long way to dear old Texas -- You're the flower of my heart, sweet Adeline -- When you and I were young, Maggie -- The Lower Rio Grande -- The land of corn and cane -- Silver threads among the gold. -- Good-by, old snow -- Loyalty to the Rio Grande. -- Old black joe -- Put on your old gray bonnet -- The old oaken bucket. -- Swanee River -- Nearer, my God, to thee -- When the roll is called up yonder. -- Brighten the corner where you are -- Rock of ages. -- Where He leads me I will follow. -- There is a fountain. -- Jesus, lover of my soul. -- Good night medley. -- Good night, ladies. -- My castle on the Rio Grande. -- How you goin' to keep 'em way up north. -- Throbs from the heart of joy land. -- The Wanderer. -- L envoi. -- The old order changeth. -- The lower valley in verse. -- Piedras de las conchas (The rocks of Concha, the Lily.) -- The first white man's cemetery in the Valley. -- The trip. Cities visited en route to and from the Valley. -- A golden wedding gift. -- As the train leaves the union station. -- The vision of San Juan. -- The pioneer's story -- Brief history of the W.E. Stewart Land Company and some serious thoughts. -- Bank statements. -- 'Til we meet again.
Sugar in Rio Grande Valley : the sugar bowl of America
C.H. Swallow & Co.
Promotional brochure for investing in sugar plantations in the Lower Rio Grande Valley.
Summary discharge or mustering out of regiments or companies. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of War, together with several documents, including a letter of General Nettleton, and memoranda as to precedents for the summary discharge or mustering out of regiments or companies
United States. War Dept.
House and Senate Documents: Brownsville affray, report of Secretary of War, and additional testimony [enclosed with 5252 S.doc.402/1; copy of 5078 S.doc.155]
The Lure of the Rio Grande
Brownsville Chamber of Commerce
An early (ca1930) silent film production heralding the attractions of life in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. This production served the purpose of attracting potential investors and boosting the local economy in Brownsville, Texas and the Lower Rio Grande Valley. "Foreword: Like Ponce de Leon and La Sale of old, like Jason and the Golden Fleece - ,mankind still takes the trail to find the Rainbow's End and the land of the ideal. (...) now, thousands of winter-weary northerners and Chicagoans in particular, are (...) to the new mecca of the southland, the extreme southern tip of the United States where Uncle Sam meets Mexico - the Valley of the Rio Grande. "
The True Story of the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas: Where Crops Never Fail [booklet]
Jay M. Jackson
Promotional booklet compiled by Jackson Vreeland Land Company to encourage Americans to acquire land in the lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas. The booklet provides information on climate, agriculture, and regional amenities, and also features letters written by previous and current investors.
The author writes, "The of this booklet is to set forth the true conditions and facts existing in the Lower Rio Grande district--a district that is now attracting a larger immigration and is being settled more rapidly by the people of the North, including people from northern and central Texas, than any other district on the American continent..."
Twenty years among the Mexicans : a narrative of missionary labor
Melinda Rankin
Narrative written by New Hampshire Presbyterian teacher and missionary, who taught in Kentucky, Texas, and New Orleans. She is considered to hold the distinction of being the first Protestant missionary to establish Protestantism in Mexico. The narrative includes many anecdotes dealing with the American Civil War, Brownsville, Texas, Northeastern Mexico, as well as the Mexican political situation.
Valley songs and poems [booklet]
Jamie Heron and Valley Realty Company of Texas
Booklet of songs and poetry written by Scotch Philosopher, Jamie Heron, lecturer, author, and poet. Compiled by William F. Steffens, General Manager, Valley Realty Company of Texas, Harlingen. 1929ca.