Marketing Faculty Publications and Presentations

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This research investigates the effects of sales-service ambidexterity on salesperson role perceptions, behaviors, and customer satisfaction. Using a business-to-business, salesperson-customer sample, we build and test a model which highlights both the positive and negative consequences of this simultaneous goal pursuit. Specifically, while sales-service ambidexterity positively impacts adaptive selling behaviors, it also increases perceptions of role conflict among salespeople. Customer demandingness moderates these relationships. Taken together, the results provide insights for firms on how to manage their sales force to optimize both sales and service outcomes based on characteristics of their salespeople and customers.


This Open Access post‐print is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution‐Non Commercial‐No Derivatives (CC‐BY‐NC‐ND 4.0).

Publication Title

Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management


Included in

Marketing Commons



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