Mexican American Studies Faculty Publications and Presentations
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Young immigrant youth often live their lives across borders, either by physically crossing them for return visits and/or by metaphorically crossing them through social media and cultural identification. The authors argue these students are better understood as transnational, shifting the focus for educators away from imagining their immigrant students on a straight, one-way path to assimilation in the U.S. to understanding these youths’ abilities to cross borders. Specifically, they call for a redesignation of English Language Learners (ELLs) as Transnational English Learners (TELs). Highlighting examples of educators’ successful border-crossing work, the authors call for educators to cross borders as well in their curriculum and relationships with transnational youth.
Recommended Citation
Kasun, G. Sue and Cinthya M. Saavedra. "Crossing Borders toward Young Transnational Lives." Cross-Cultural Considerations in the Education of Young Immigrant Learners, edited by Jared Keengwe and Grace Onchwari, IGI Global, 2014, pp. 200-216. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-4928-6.ch012
Publication Title
Cross-Cultural Considerations in the Education of Young Immigrant Learners
Included in
Education Commons, English Language and Literature Commons, Latin American Languages and Societies Commons
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