School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Faculty Publications and Presentations
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In this paper, based on the regular Korteweg–de Vries (KdV) system, we study negative-order KdV (NKdV) equations, particularly their Hamiltonian structures, Lax pairs, conservation laws, and explicit multisoliton and multikink wave solutions thorough bilinear B¨acklund transformations. The NKdV equations studied in our paper are differential and actually derived from the first member in the negative-order KdV hierarchy. The NKdV equations are not only gauge equivalent to the Camassa-Holm equation through reciprocal transformations but also closely related to the Ermakov-Pinney systems and the Kupershmidt deformation. The bi-Hamiltonian structures and a Darboux transformation of the NKdV equations are constructed with the aid of trace identity and their Lax pairs, respectively. The single and double kink wave and bell soliton solutions are given in an explicit formula through the Darboux transformation. The one-kink wave solution is expressed in the form of tanh while the one-bell soliton is in the form of sech, and both forms are very standard. The collisions of two-kink wave and two-bell soliton solutions are analyzed in detail, and this singular interaction differs from the regular KdV equation. Multidimensional binary Bell polynomials are employed to find bilinear formulation and B¨acklund transformations, which produce N-soliton solutions. A direct and unifying scheme is proposed for explicitly building up quasiperiodic wave solutions of the NKdV equations. Furthermore, the relations between quasiperiodic wave solutions and soliton solutions are clearly described. Finally, we show the quasiperiodic wave solution convergent to the soliton solution under some limit conditions.
Recommended Citation
Qiao, Zhijun, and Engui Fan. 2012. “Negative-Order Korteweg--de Vries Equations.” Physical Review E 86 (1): 016601. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.86.016601.
Publication Title
Physical Review E
© 2012, American Physical Society. Original published version available at https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.86.016601