School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Faculty Publications and Presentations

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Drawing on the concept of figured worlds (Holland et al., 1998), this project focuses on addressing, responding to, and understanding the self within the figured world of the mathematics education community. Specifically, we examine a group of women with diverse backgrounds in terms of race, class, and cultural contexts, who are engaged in various roles as mathematics education scholars, including teachers, teacher educators, and researchers. Using a dialogical self approach, we facilitate both internal and external discourses, exploring personal histories, narratives, and the development of evolving identities. Our findings reveal that culture and social positions, such as gender, class, and race, inform our positionalities within the mathematics education community. The understanding of the roots of our identities serves as a foundation for constructing a more inclusive figured world of mathematics education.


Articles published in the Proceedings are copyrighted by the authors. Permission to reproduce an article or portions from an article must be obtained from the author.

Publication Title

Proceedings of the forty-fifth annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education



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