School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Faculty Publications and Presentations
Our Never-Ending Pathway to Innovate Calculus 1: Course Coordination and Active Learning to Specifications Grading and Growth Mindset
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In this paper, we detail the implementation of initiatives designed to support instructional strategies aimed at fostering more fair and inclusive learning practices in Precalculus, Calculus 1, and Calculus 2 courses at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. We discuss the progression of course coordination efforts intended to improve students’ learning and mitigate the detrimental effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on students’ mathematics education. Prepandemic early coordination initiatives involved adoption of common textbooks, syllabi, and content coverage across all sections of each course. Subsequent course improvements involved the incorporation of active learning to engage students in collaborative problem-solving sessions with the support of undergraduate Learning Assistants. We have adopted Specifications Grading, an alternative grading system, as part of our most recent reform endeavor to invigorate students’ success in Calculus 1.
Recommended Citation
Villalobos, Cristina, Guillermo Garza, Shaghayegh Setayesh, Luis Fernandez, Andras Balogh, Kaitlyn Stephens Serbin, and Timothy J. Huber. "Our Never-Ending Pathway to Innovate Calculus 1: Course Coordination and Active Learning to Specifications Grading and Growth Mindset." PRIMUS (2024): 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1080/10511970.2024.2352874
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