Implications of One Comprehensive School Reform Model for Secondary School Students Underrepresented in Higher Education

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This is a study of 10 high schools that implemented Advancement via Individual Determination (AVID) during the 1999-2000 academic year as a Comprehensive School Reform model. Student performance data were collected on 1,291 AVID students in these Texas schools. Researchers examined test scores, attendance rates, advanced course enrollment patterns, graduation plans, and school accountability ratings over a 3-year period. Findings indicate that all of the 10 AVID schools improved their accountability rating during the first 3 years of AVID implementation. In addition, AVID students outperformed their classmates on various standardized tests and attended school more often than their classmates. This study's findings also imply that Advanced Placement course enrollment in each of the AVID schools is increasing, and more underrepresented students are being prepared for college.


Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC

Publication Title

Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk (JESPAR)


