Environmental scan of mental wellness resources available on Canadian post-secondary campuses

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This environmental scan study aimed to determine the current status of mental wellness resources and toolkits on Canadian post-secondary campuses. This study was completed in the summer of 2016 and consisted of three parts: Web search, campus survey, and semi-structured, individual interviews. The Web search of 135 institutions indicated that the size of the campus population influenced the availability and variety of existing mental wellness resources. In the survey conducted, over 80% of the 39 institutions had various services. Mental health–related toolkits listed in the survey were well-perceived and included de-stressing materials and mental health service information. Four common themes emerged in the interviews conducted: (a) accessibility of services, (b) support networks need to shift, (c) mental wellness resources can accomplish multiple purposes, and (d) necessary components to produce an effective mental wellness toolkit. The findings of this study can guide the future development of a potential national mental wellness toolkit for Canadian college campuses.


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Higher Education


