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The sensitivity of the advanced LIGO detectors to gravitational waves can be affected by environmental disturbances external to the detectors themselves. Since the transition from the former initial LIGO phase, many improvements have been made to the equipment and techniques used to investigate these environmental effects. These methods have aided in tracking down and mitigating noise sources throughout the first three observing runs of the advanced detector era, keeping the ambient contribution of environmental noise below the background noise levels of the detectors. In this paper we describe the methods used and how they have led to the mitigation of noise sources, the role that environmental monitoring has played in the validation of gravitational wave events, and plans for future observing runs.
Recommended Citation
Nguyen, P., R. M. S. Schofield, A. Effler, C. Austin, V. Adya, M. Ball, S. Banagiri, et al. 2021. “Environmental Noise in Advanced LIGO Detectors.” Classical and Quantum Gravity 38 (14): 145001.
Publication Title
Classical and Quantum Gravity
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