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We consider a system exhibiting the bipolar non-Hermitian skin effect (NHSE), where bipolar skin states are localized at both edges, and discuss how the topological funneling effect can occur with a single focal point in this system. We explore a topological phase transition from bipolar NHSE to NHSE, which alters the localization characteristics of the eigenstates. After the transition, both the delocalized and bipolar skin states transform into skin states. The non-Hermitian edge burst is a novel and unexpected feature of non-Hermitian quantum dynamics, characterized by substantial particle loss at the boundary of a system. Using the model displaying bipolar NHSE, we show the emergence of the edge-burst effect with a large amount of loss observed only at one boundary. To enhance this effect, we introduce slightly asymmetric long-range couplings into a system that already exhibits the edge burst. This leads to a notable enhancement of the edge burst. We discuss the significance of asymmetrical local power generation in contributing to this enhanced edge-burst effect.


© 2024 American Physical Society

Publication Title

Physical Review B




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