Political Science Faculty Publications and Presentations

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date



The chapter explores the impact of the war on the everyday lives of Lithuanians. It begins by addressing the economic challenges instigated by Vladimir Putin’s military adventurism, and the latter’s burden on workers and the poor. This is followed by documenting the unwavering determination of the Lithuanian government and its people to create a hospitable environment for Ukrainian refugees. Subsequently, the chapter delves into the trials and tribulations faced by Ukrainian arrivals in Lithuania, drawing comparisons with the experiences of Belarusian and Russian nationals who have also sought refuge in the country. The latter are currently viewed as a potential ‘fifth column’, a disquieting epithet they share with asylum seekers from the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa. The chapter concludes by surveying the responses of the Left to the multifaceted crises presently engulfing the Eastern European region in general, and Lithuania in particular.


Available at: https://www.transform.review/echoes-of-war-in-lithuania/

Publication Title

Transform Review: In Times of War



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