Museums of Port Isabel Collection
New York and Virginia volunteer companies' buttons
File 1: "Brass buttons from New York and Virginia volunteer companies accompany this 1836 militia cross belt plate" The Virginia volunteer companies' button says, Sic Semper Tyrannis.
File 2: Three brass buttons. The largest has the most wear and tear, the medium button is a dark brown color with a figure carved in the middle, the smallest button has an orange color as well as two figures carved in the middle.
Percussion caps exploded when struck, setting off a firearm
File 1: "Percussion caps exploded when struck, setting off a firearm"
File 2: Seven caps covered in rust
"Pick and shovel" / Zapadores battalion insignias belonging to Mexican engineer
"Pick and shovel"/ "ditch diggers"/ Zapadores battalion insignias belonging to Mexican engineer.
Pittsburgh Double Eagle Quart Flask, American eagle historical glass cup plate, Eagle Henry Clay Glass Portrait Cup Plate
Pittsburgh Double Eagle Quart Flask, American eagle historical glass cup plate, and a Eagle Henry Clay Glass Portrait Cup Plate.
Processing notes
William Flores, Kendra Lara, and John B. Hawthorne
Re-processed collection.
The collection identifier from ArchiveSpace was used.
Metadata was updated to increase discoverability.
Added to UTB Texas Digital Library on January 4, 2011.
Migrated from UTRGV Texas Digital Library to BePress on February 27, 2020.
Quill pen and inkwell used during the Mexican American War
Quill and pen used during the Mexican American War.
Ram rod tubes
3 pieces, dark brown color. Ram rods were used to secure the bullet at the rear of the barrel. "Ram rod tubes from 70 caliber India pattern Brown Bess (British Land Pattern Musket)."
Religious icons belonging to Mexican soldiers
Four religious icons. One cross and three other pendants. "Mexican soldiers religious icons"
Rosettes used in harnesses and saddles of Mexican Cavalry
File 1: "These rosettes and finals were used to decorate harness and saddles of Mexican Cavalry"
File 2: Several rosettes laid out, the first one is very discolored and rusty a greenish color. The next one is star like. The one after is rectangle shaped.
File 3: More rosettes laid out all looking worn.
File 4: Other rosettes with discoloration and in different shapes.
File 5: Three more rosettes with rust and discoloration on them.
Stirrup fragments
File 1: Worn down horse stirrup fragments one darker than the other.
File 2: "Stirrup Fragments"
Straight razor and shaving cream mug
File 1: White bowl and broken razor.
File 2: Top view of white bowl and broken razor. "Straight razor and shaving cream mug"
U.S. Army Artillery soldier drawing
Sketch. A common scene depicted by artist of the Mexican American War period shows a U.S. Army Artillery man marching alongside a drummer.
U.S. Army Cavalry sword
Rusted sword, light brown handle. Long skinny blade with discoloration spots.
U.S. Army Dragoon buckle
Discolored buckle with the letters US in the middle, darker pieces at the bottom broken apart.
U.S. Army Dragoon uniform
U.S. Dragoon uniform. Black service cap, striped collar the entire ensemble in teal. White chest straps with a gold pin an eagle detailed in the middle. A white belt with a red piece hanging off.
U.S. Army Infantry bayonet and scabbard tips
File 1: Two pieces, a bayonet from a scabbard tip "US Infantry bayonet scabbard tip" and another from a brown Bess musket "Bayonet from brown Bess musket".
File 2: Brighter photo of the Bayonet scabbard tip and the Bayonet from brown Bess musket.
U.S. Army Infantry buttons
Four dark brown rusted buttons, an Eagle medal broken in half. "U.S." can be seen in two of the buttons eagles can be seen on the bottom two.
U.S. Army Infantry Company G hat insignia
Letter "G" made from metal. In good condition, a bit of discoloration. "US Infantry Company G hat insignia"
U.S. Army Infantry sword hilt
File 1: "This non-commissioned officer's infantry sword hilt was found beneath the floor boards of the Champion building during restoration."
File 2: Rusted sword hilt
U.S. Army Musician Corp. hat device and coat button
U.S. Army Musician Corp. had device and coat button with a design of a harp.
U.S. Army Officer pistol
U.S. Army Officer pistol used during the Mexican-American War time. Discolored pistol, a dull brown color, worn out handle.
U.S. Army shoulder boards / epaulettes
U.S. Army shoulder boards / epaulettes made of brass. They both have a star embedded in the middle.
U.S. Army soldier button
U.S. Soldier Button from the Mexican-American War time. Small discolored button, U.S. can be seen in the middle.
U.S. "Baby" dug buckle and cross belt plate
Two buckles. top buckle a lighter shade of brown with an Eagle in the middle. The bottom button a darker shade of brown with the letters "U.S" in the middle. "US "Baby" 1839 buckle and cross belt plate"
U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine buttons
Seven buttons, three large ones, two medium and two small buttons. A large gold button, a large black button, and a large rusted orange button. A gold medium button and a rusted green medium button. A rusty, gold small button and a dark brown small button. "U.S. Navy and U.S. Marines button."
West Point class of 1846 whiskey bottle
File 1: Up close picture of the commemorative glass. Murky green in color with "Class of 1846" molded into the glass. DYOTTVILLE GLASS WORKS PHILA embossed on the bottom.
File 2: Photo of the glass showing its full length.
Zachary Taylor political campaign button
"Zachary Taylor CA.1848 Political Campaign Button -VS- Lewis Cass." Brass button with an indention of a face seen in the middle of the button.
Zouave powder (peace) rifle flask
The brass powder Zouave flask depicts the federal eagle and a scene with twenty-six stars encircling two shaking hands. Along the bottom of the flask is the US shield with assorted weapons and horn instruments. "A powder flask was kept handy if a soldier ran out of cartridges."