Rondel V. Davidson Endowed Lecture Series
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Dr. Armando Alonzo will speak to UTRGV students in Dr. Jamie Starling’s HIST 6325: Seminar in Borderlands History course as well as students from HIST 3300, HIST 3333, and HIST 4399. Interested faculty are also invited to attend. Dr. Alonzo’s presentation will focus on researching the South Texas Borderlands in Spanish, Mexican, and Texas archives as well as the challenges of studying the region’s earlier Spanish colonial era and Native American history. A native of the Rio Grande Valley, Dr. Alonzo received his M.A. degree in history in 1983 from what was then the University of Texas – Pan American, where he wrote his thesis on “A History of the Mexicans in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas: Their Role in Land Development and Commercial Agriculture, 1900-1930.” Dr. Alonzo earned a Ph.D. in History from Indiana University in 1991 with a dissertation that focused on “Tejano Rancheros and Changes in Land Tenure, Hidalgo County, Texas, 1850-1900.” His book, Tejano Legacy: Rancheros and Settlers in South Texas, 1734-1900 was published by University of New Mexico Press in 1998. The author of numerous peer-reviewed articles and scholarly conference presentations, Dr. Alonzo is currently researching a transnational history of Texas and Northern Mexico between 1700 and 1865.
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South Texas, Tejano, Borderlands, rancheros, history
Recommended Citation
Alonzo, Armando C., "Borderlands Research in Spanish, Mexican, and Texas Archives" (2023). Rondel V. Davidson Endowed Lecture Series. 13.