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Self-efficacy plays an important role in their lives of the estimated 48 million Americans who report having some degree of hearing impairment, helping them navigate through a myriad of communication challenges. The purpose of the present study was to assess the levels of self-efficacy in this disability group by examining an array of social, psychological, spiritual, disability, and demographic variables. A total of 114 persons who identified as hard-of-hearing took part in an online survey. A hierarchical multiple regression analysis was performed to answer the research question. The proposed regression model explained 24.7% of variance in self-efficacy among individuals who are hard-of-hearing. Specifically, educational attainment, internal locus of control, spirituality/religiosity, social support, and employment status are the five significant predictors of self-efficacy. Finally, implications for rehabilitation practice and research are discussed.


© 2019 National Rehabilitation Counseling Association.

Publication Title

Journal of Rehabilitation



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