Exemplar Rehabilitation Educators’ Defining Moments and Career Reflections

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Objective: To discover senior and retired exemplary rehabilitation educators’ defining career moments and to provide doctoral students and early career rehabilitation educators with insights from widely recognized and successful rehabilitation educators in the field.

Method: Twenty-seven xemplary rehabilitation educators answered qualitative questions related to their career choices and accomplishments. Additionally, satisfaction with career and the perception of contributions to the field were quantitatively assessed using Likert-type questions.

Findings: Five themes emerged from the qualitative data which described exemplary educators’ defining career moments. Four additional themes emerged which revealed changes educators would make if they could start their careers over. Quantitative results indicated overall moderate to high satisfaction with career and contributions.

Conclusions: The experiences, advice,and wisdom of exemplary educators can provide early guidance and insights about career decisions and life lessons for doctoral students and academics.


© 2018 Springer Publishing Company, LLC


