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This study investigates Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services related to competitive employment closure among non-Hispanic Blacks (NHB), non-Hispanic Whites (NHW), and Hispanics with HIV/AIDS and substance use disorder (SUD). Data of 4150 was extracted from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA-911) database. Descriptive statistics and multi-variate analysis showed consumers who received SSI and Medicare were less likely to be employed than those who did not, and, NHW who received rehabilitation counseling and guidance benefited the most compared to NHB who did not. Rehabilitation counselors can assist minorities with HIV/AIDS and SUD secure employment given the positive effects of employment for this population. Health professionals should consider incorporating employment, using VR services in their treatment strategies, while making sure clients with different racial ethnicity background benefit equally from all VR services.


© 2017 National Rehabilitation Counseling Association. Original published version available at





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