Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 9-26-2023


We present 15 patients who underwent a complex abdominal wall hernia repair using a novel technique involving placement of a dermal autograft as fascial onlay reinforcement within the past 2 years in a single institution. The patients reviewed consist of both females and males between the ages of 37 and 72, with an overweight rate of 93.3% and average BMI of 32, We found that within this period there was 0% recurrence. 80% of the patients stayed between 1-3 days in the hospital. Seven (47%) of the patients re-presented with a wound complication such as seroma formation (20%) or dehiscence (26%); however, these patients had a history of previous dehiscence, necrotizing fasciitis and/or other major risk factors for complications.

Conclusion: Further long-term studies will be necessary to evaluate the role of dermal autografts in hernia repair, although the outcomes and cost reduction make this a potentially viable option in low-income populations.

Academic Level

medical student

Mentor/PI Department


Available for download on Friday, September 25, 2026

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Surgery Commons
