School of Medicine Publications and Presentations

Individualized Care in Person Centered Medicine

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date



Individualized care centres on the individual. It proposes to tailor the care of the patient as an individual, attending to their health needs, recognizing their uniqueness within their context, and upholding their dignity, autonomy, and rights. This chapter will discuss individualized care as a core principle of person-centered medicine which places the person in context at the centre of care. It focuses on the totality of health, not just ill health, and highlights the dynamic nature of the persons’ health within his/her unique bio-psycho-socio-ecological and cultural context. Individualized care, as opposed to a disease and episode-centric care, calls for a comprehensive, life-long care, aimed at meeting the individual’s needs to maintain health and prevent diseases throughout the life span. This chapter will examine the elements of the patient-clinician relationship, as an enduring core value in medicine and as a fundamental activity to construct the unique “personal narrative” and therapeutic alliance crucial for individualized care. It will also discuss the Person-centred Integrative Diagnosis Model, a thorough, multilevel assessment of determinants of health that cut across multiple domains and integrates the unique strengths and needs for the individual presenting for care.


© 2023 Springer Nature Switzerland AG

Publication Title

Person Centered Medicine



Academic Level

