School of Medicine Publications and Presentations
Genetic Influence on the Human Brain
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Despite rapid advancements and widespread interest, the field of imaging-genetics is neither mature nor secure. Although single-gene implications related to prevalent disorders continue to attract the lion’s share of attention, of far greater importance for the maturation and longevity of the field is an established foundation regarding how genes influence basic neuroscience. The genetic search space is finite and defined; the neuroscience component is anything but. Therefore, the greatest limitation is our ability to translate image-based features into neuroscientific phenotypes. The field will fully emerge only if laboratories capable of doing imaging-genetics research perceive the need to define fundamental neuroscience in terms of genetic elements. To make progress toward this overarching goal, there is urgent need for a systematic program of discovery based on genetic underpinnings of brain function. This chapter details the efforts of the Genetics of Brain Structure and Function (GOBS) project to build such a program of discovery.
Recommended Citation
McKay, D.R. et al. (2015). Genetic Influence on the Human Brain. In: Duggirala, R., Almasy, L., Williams-Blangero, S., Paul, S., Kole, C. (eds) Genome Mapping and Genomics in Human and Non-Human Primates. Genome Mapping and Genomics in Animals, vol 5. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Publication Title
Genome Mapping and Genomics in Animals, vol 5.
Academic Level
Mentor/PI Department
Office of Human Genetics
© 2015 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
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