School of Medicine Publications and Presentations

161. Gyrification Abnormalities Across Psychotic Disorders: A Bipolar-Schizophrenia Network of Intermediate Phenotypes Study

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The profiles of cortical gyrification across schizophrenia (SZ), schizoaffective disorder (SAD), and bipolar disorder type-1 (BP) have been studied to a limited extent, report discordant findings, and are rarely compared in the same study. We compare gyrification and quantify the process of aging on gyrification trajectories across controls (HC) and psychotic disorder probands.


Participants were recruited within the Bipolar-Schizophrenia Network of Intermediate Phenotypes Consortium and received MRI and clinical assessment. Gyrification was measured using FreeSurfer. Pairwise general linear hypothesis tests were conducted in R with age, sex, race, site of acquisition, and total intracranial volume as covariates. Aging trajectories were modeled in MATLAB using gyrification data adjusted for covariates. P values below 0.05 after false discovery rate correction were considered significant.


Significant bilateral hypogyria was found for all lobes in SZ compared to HC; significant hypogyria was observed in probands with BP and SAD compared to HC. Significant hypergyria was found in the left frontal cortex for BP to SZ comparisons. Verbal memory was positively associated with gyrification in the right frontal and right cingulate cortex in SZ. Gyrification aging trajectories among probands significantly deviated from HC; the mathematical model captures both hypergyria and hypogyria in SZ-HC comparisons and lifespan hypogyria in BP and SAD compared to HC.


We find differential gyrification patterns according to psychotic disorder. Our study extends models of aging in gyrification to psychotic disorders and indicates nonlinear age-related gyrification decline. Probands’ trajectories differ significantly, indicating accelerated aging in SZ and differential gyrification aging patterns in probands.

Funding Source

The work was supported by MH077945 to Dr. Pearlson; MH096942 to Dr. Keshavan; MH096913 to Dr. Tamminga; MH077862 to Dr. Sweeney; MH103368 to Dr. Gershon; MH096900 to Dr. Clementz; and MH122759 to Dr. del Re.

Publication Title

Biological Psychiatry



Academic Level


Mentor/PI Department

