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This study used a marsupial Monodelphis domestica, which is born very immature and most of its development is postnatal without placental protection. RNA-sequencing (RNA-Seq) was used to identify the expression of influx and efflux transporters (ATP-binding cassettes [ABCs] and solute carriers [SLCs]) and metabolizing enzymes in brains of newborn to juvenile Monodelphis. Results were compared to published data in the developing eutherian rat. To test the functionality of these transporters at similar ages, the entry of paracetamol (acetaminophen) into the brain and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was measured using liquid scintillation counting following a single administration of the drug along with its radiolabelled tracer [3H]. Drug permeability studies found that in Monodelphis, brain entry of paracetamol was already restricted at P5; it decreased further in the first week of life and then remained stable until the oldest age group tested (P110). Transcriptomic analysis of Monodelphis brain showed that expression of transporters and their metabolizing enzymes in early postnatal (P) pups (P0, P5, and P8) was relatively similar, but by P109, many more transcripts were identified. When transcriptomes of newborn Monodelphis brain and E19 rat brain and placenta were compared, several transporters present in the rat placenta were also found in the newborn Monodelphis brain. These were absent from E19 rat brain but were present in the adult rat brain. These data indicate that despite its extreme immaturity, the newborn Monodelphis brain may compensate for the lack of placental protection during early brain development by upregulating protective mechanisms, which in eutherian animals are instead present in the placenta.


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Publication Title

Journal of Comparative Neurology


Academic Level


Mentor/PI Department

Office of Human Genetics



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