School of Medicine Publications and Presentations
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There is a new tradition in the otolaryngology publishing community that is unique to our specialty, so far as we know. Editors-in-Chief of otolaryngology journals in the United States, and intermittently some of our international colleagues such as the Editor of the Journal of Laryngology and Otology (England), sit down together twice a year to discuss topics of mutual interest, maintain lines of communication and friendships, and share perspectives on the evolution of otolaryngology—head and neck surgery and needs that our journals might help address. To establish these collegial, uninhibited, informative, and productive meetings, Dr Robert Ruben proposed the idea of a Consortium of Otolaryngology Journal Editors. During the consortium’s formative years, the organization was solidified and supported by Jonas Johnson who was Editor-in-Chief of Laryngoscope from 2003 to 2008 and whose journal funded our meetings. The editors have discussed many topics including standardization of terminology, duplicate publication and plagiarism, increasing physician interest and involvement in peer-review, peer-review education, new publication models and their implications for our colleagues, support for resident presentations at scientific meetings, innovations at individual journals that might prove useful for other journals, increasing international involvement in our journals, predatory journals, and other topics.
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Sataloff, R. T., Chandra, R., Fisher, E. W., Goldenberg, D., Hanna, E. Y., Johnson, J., Kennedy, D. W., Kraus, D. H., Krouse, J. H., Link, M., Lustig, L. R., O’Malley, B. W., Piccirillo, J. F., Ruben, R., Schwartz, S., Selesnick, S. H., Sindwani, R., Smith, R. J., Stewart, M. G., … Welling, D. B. (2020). Consortium of Otolaryngology Journal Editors: Collegiality and Contributions. Ear, Nose & Throat Journal, 0145561320912887. https://doi.org/10.1177/0145561320912887
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Publication Title
Ear, Nose & Throat Journal
Academic Level
Copyright The Author(s) 2020