School of Medicine Publications and Presentations

An Assessment of Gender and Racial/Ethnic Diversity amongst Neurology Residents and Physicians

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Background: The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) now requires residency and fellowship training programs to address diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as part of the common program requirements. Research on DEI in neurology is scant, particularly regarding physicians from backgrounds considered underrepresented in medicine (URM). We aimed to analyze the trends in racial/ethnic and gender diversity among neurology residents and physicians.

Methods: Data from the ACGME Data Resource Book on neurology residents from 2011-2019 were analyzed for racial, ethnic, and gender trends over time. Characteristics of current neurology workforce per gender and race/ethnicity from the AAMC Data & Reports were analyzed. Descriptive statistics and linear regression models were performed.

Results: From 2011 to 2019 women (n=858, 41.3% vs. n=1247, 43.1%; p=0.04), African-Americans(AA)( n=53, 2.5% vs. n=107, 3.7%; p=0.02), and Asian/Pacific Islanders (A/PI)(n=396, 19.0% vs. n=588, 20.3%; p=0.02) in neurology residency increased. The percentage of Hispanic/Latino (HL) (n=110, 5.3% vs. n=148, 5.1%; p=0.55) and American Indian/Alaskan Native (AI/AN) (n=5, 0.24% vs. n=6, 0.21%; p=0.40) neurology residents remained unchanged. All groups based on gender and race/ethnicity were underrepresented relative to U.S. medical students: Women (n=11160, 50% vs. n= 1247, 43.1%), AA (n=1540, 7.1% vs. n=107, 3.7%), HL (n=1349, 6.2% vs. n=148, 5.1%), AI/AN (n=39, 0.2% vs. n=6, 0.21%), A/PI(n=4809, 22.2% vs. n=210, 20.3%). In 2018, women made up 43.5% (n=4218) of neurology physicians, AA 2.5% (n=349), HL 5.5% (n=769), AI/AN 0.09% (n=12), A/PI 17.0% (n=2371), and White 57.1% (n=7942).

Conclusion: Gains in gender diversity and AA representation were made amongst neurology residents. The diversity in race/ethnicity amongst neurology residents and physician workforce lags significantly relative to US medical students and population. Targeted initiatives aimed at recruitment and retention are necessary to further promote DEI in neurology.

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Academic Level

medical student

Mentor/PI Department

