
Presenting Author

Niti Dharwadkar

Presentation Type


Discipline Track

Community/Public Health

Abstract Type



Background: Middle meningeal artery embolization (MMAE) is increasingly performed for the treatment of chronic subdural hematomas. Some authors have described managing minimally symptomatic patients with MMAE in the outpatient setting. Our practice, however, has been to routinely admit patients after MMAE to the neuro-intensive care setting. Objective of this research is to analyze the frequency of ICU level interventions after MMAE in the neuro-intensive care unit.

Methods: A consecutive series of MMA embolizations for cSDH were retrospectively reviewed from 2020 to 2022 at Valley Baptist Medical Center in Harlingen, TX, USA. Frequency of ICU specific interventions such as need for post procedural mechanical ventilation, need for intravenous vasopressor or antihypertensive medications was recorded.

Results: A total of 50 MMA embolizations were performed during the study period. The average age of patients included in the study was 63 years old +/- 16 years with 30% being female. 34% patients did not receive any sort of ICU level intervention at all. Among the remaining who did, 32% required mechanical ventilation post procedurally. 14% needed a vasopressor and 48% required intravenous antihypertensives to maintain systolic blood pressure within goal parameters.

Conclusions: 34% of patients who underwent MMAE did not require any ICU level interventions afterwards. The most common reason for an ICU intervention after MMAE was for correction of blood pressure to maintain within specified goal. Further investigation is warranted but it suggests that liberalizing blood pressure parameters could reduce the need for ICU utilization after MMAE.

Included in

Neurology Commons



Frequency of ICU Specific Interventions After Middle Meningeal Artery

Background: Middle meningeal artery embolization (MMAE) is increasingly performed for the treatment of chronic subdural hematomas. Some authors have described managing minimally symptomatic patients with MMAE in the outpatient setting. Our practice, however, has been to routinely admit patients after MMAE to the neuro-intensive care setting. Objective of this research is to analyze the frequency of ICU level interventions after MMAE in the neuro-intensive care unit.

Methods: A consecutive series of MMA embolizations for cSDH were retrospectively reviewed from 2020 to 2022 at Valley Baptist Medical Center in Harlingen, TX, USA. Frequency of ICU specific interventions such as need for post procedural mechanical ventilation, need for intravenous vasopressor or antihypertensive medications was recorded.

Results: A total of 50 MMA embolizations were performed during the study period. The average age of patients included in the study was 63 years old +/- 16 years with 30% being female. 34% patients did not receive any sort of ICU level intervention at all. Among the remaining who did, 32% required mechanical ventilation post procedurally. 14% needed a vasopressor and 48% required intravenous antihypertensives to maintain systolic blood pressure within goal parameters.

Conclusions: 34% of patients who underwent MMAE did not require any ICU level interventions afterwards. The most common reason for an ICU intervention after MMAE was for correction of blood pressure to maintain within specified goal. Further investigation is warranted but it suggests that liberalizing blood pressure parameters could reduce the need for ICU utilization after MMAE.


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