Presentation Type
Discipline Track
Community/Public Health
Abstract Type
Program Abstract
Purpose: The Fortify Resilience Initiative focuses on building and sustaining a culture of wellbeing for Residents and Fellows (R/Fs) at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) School of Medicine’s (SOM) Graduate Medical Education (GME) residency and fellowship programs. In order to address the multitude of threats to physician wellness and to mitigate the silent, but pernicious effects of burnout on these physician learners serving in the RGV, this Initiative from the Office of GME will strengthen existing wellbeing pathways while expanding additional solutions that will work to sustain wellbeing. Utilizing a combination of prevention, promotion, and intervention strategies targeted at the individual, program, and system levels, this initiative increases resilience by addressing existing gaps that only further propagate the spread of risk and vulnerability to the community.
Description: The Fortify Resilience Initiative maintains three key drivers (Access Strategy, Empowerment Initiatives, and System Redesign) that all work to address and enhance components central to wellbeing management. Within the Access Strategy is continuous access to direct online clinical and coaching services, annual opt-out wellness check-ins, monthly live online learning sessions with embedded didactics as well as skill development practical labs. Launch of a Wellbeing Mobile Application (WMA), allowing users to periodically self-assess and receive suggestions to improve self-management as well as the establishment of Program Specific Wellness Committees (PSWC), constitute the Empowerment Initiatives. Consultations with each partnered program’s leadership, along with the introduction of a faculty development pathway to train faculty to full competency over current wellbeing methodologies, aim at establishing a presence of institutional expertise and represent the System Redesign driver.
Partners: The Fortify Resilience Initiative at UTRGV is illuminated through a vital partnership with Tend Health (TH). TH is an innovative company specialized in the care and well-being of health professionals, with a history of successful partnerships with GME programs offering mental health and well-being focused services. TH is an essential partner in two of the key drivers – Access Strategy and System Redesign.
Looking Ahead: By year 2024, the Fortify Resilience Initiative seeks to impact 249+ UTRGV R/Fs and clinical faculty, as demonstrated by:
- Graduating all R/Fs with self-management of well-being competencies
- Embedding access strategy services as routine part of UTRGV GME programs
- Integrating technology solutions – WMA – as a core strategy for resilience for GME programs•Enrolling 100% of new R/Fs as users on the WMA via GME on-boarding each program year
- Sustaining PSWC’s across 11+ GME programs with routine use of the WMA
- Establishing a scalable culture of wellbeing strategy for the UTRGV SOM
- Building resilience supporting policies within programs and institution
- Developing a UTRGV Faculty Affairs sustained Master Trainer Faculty Development (MTFD) track to continue delivery of resilience trainings by MTFD scholars
Recommended Citation
George, Deepu; Arellano III, Salvador; Hernandez, Maria; Ruiz, M.; and Eychner, Tanya, "The Fortify Resilience Initiative" (2024). Research Symposium. 50.
Included in
The Fortify Resilience Initiative
Purpose: The Fortify Resilience Initiative focuses on building and sustaining a culture of wellbeing for Residents and Fellows (R/Fs) at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) School of Medicine’s (SOM) Graduate Medical Education (GME) residency and fellowship programs. In order to address the multitude of threats to physician wellness and to mitigate the silent, but pernicious effects of burnout on these physician learners serving in the RGV, this Initiative from the Office of GME will strengthen existing wellbeing pathways while expanding additional solutions that will work to sustain wellbeing. Utilizing a combination of prevention, promotion, and intervention strategies targeted at the individual, program, and system levels, this initiative increases resilience by addressing existing gaps that only further propagate the spread of risk and vulnerability to the community.
Description: The Fortify Resilience Initiative maintains three key drivers (Access Strategy, Empowerment Initiatives, and System Redesign) that all work to address and enhance components central to wellbeing management. Within the Access Strategy is continuous access to direct online clinical and coaching services, annual opt-out wellness check-ins, monthly live online learning sessions with embedded didactics as well as skill development practical labs. Launch of a Wellbeing Mobile Application (WMA), allowing users to periodically self-assess and receive suggestions to improve self-management as well as the establishment of Program Specific Wellness Committees (PSWC), constitute the Empowerment Initiatives. Consultations with each partnered program’s leadership, along with the introduction of a faculty development pathway to train faculty to full competency over current wellbeing methodologies, aim at establishing a presence of institutional expertise and represent the System Redesign driver.
Partners: The Fortify Resilience Initiative at UTRGV is illuminated through a vital partnership with Tend Health (TH). TH is an innovative company specialized in the care and well-being of health professionals, with a history of successful partnerships with GME programs offering mental health and well-being focused services. TH is an essential partner in two of the key drivers – Access Strategy and System Redesign.
Looking Ahead: By year 2024, the Fortify Resilience Initiative seeks to impact 249+ UTRGV R/Fs and clinical faculty, as demonstrated by:
- Graduating all R/Fs with self-management of well-being competencies
- Embedding access strategy services as routine part of UTRGV GME programs
- Integrating technology solutions – WMA – as a core strategy for resilience for GME programs•Enrolling 100% of new R/Fs as users on the WMA via GME on-boarding each program year
- Sustaining PSWC’s across 11+ GME programs with routine use of the WMA
- Establishing a scalable culture of wellbeing strategy for the UTRGV SOM
- Building resilience supporting policies within programs and institution
- Developing a UTRGV Faculty Affairs sustained Master Trainer Faculty Development (MTFD) track to continue delivery of resilience trainings by MTFD scholars