A Rare Encounter: Extracranial Meningioma Mimicking Musculoskeletal Neoplasms
Liza Salloum, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Jennifer Rojas Huen, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Ricardo Serna, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Andrew Kolodziej, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
An Unusual Presentation of the Severe Hypothyroidism Presenting As Shortness of Breath
Shreel H. Patel, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Kashif Ali, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Eunbee Cho, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Fatimah Bello, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Andres Suarez Parraga, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Alcibiades Fleires, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Analysis of serum cytokines-chemokines in association with prostate cancer disparity.
Dev Karan, Medical College of Wisconsin
Antibody mediated Targeted Drug Delivery approach for Pancreatic Tumors
Nirnoy Dan, Univeristy of Tennessee health Science Center
Saini Setua, University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Murali Yallapu, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Stephen Behrman, Baptist Memorial Hospital and Medical Education
Subhash Chauhan, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Sheema Khan, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Antidiabetic drug Jardiance (Empagliflozin) effectively attenuated the weight gain induced by the antipsychotic drug Zyprexa (Olanzapine) in female Wistar rats
Ghulam Md Ashraf, University of Sharjah
Assessing the Reliability, Internal Consistency, and Sensitivity of a Nutrition Knowledge Questionnaire for Four-Year-Old Pre-K Children
Lin Wang, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Karla Cortez, Social and Health Research Center
Brenda Rodriguez, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Joseph Reyes, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Moises Cisneros, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Elizabeth Alanis, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Zasha Romero, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Lisa Michelle Belzer Salinas, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Juan López Alvarenga, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Roberto Treviño-Peña, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Assessment of Mucin 13 (MUC13) as an Imaging Target for Guiding Colorectal Cancer Treatment: A Pathway Towards Theranostic Development
Ryan P. Coll, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Aiko Yamaguchi, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Jianbo Wang, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Xiaoxia Wen, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Denise Hernandez, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Subhash C. Chauhan, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
H. Charles Manning, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Baclofen Induced Excessive Perspiration; A Case Report
Othman Farahneh, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Lois C. Akpati, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Miguel Alvarez Silva, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Birth defect trends within Texas Public Health Region 11, 2000-2019: an analysis of Texas Department of State Health Services public data.
Miguel A. Lopez, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Jonathan M. Hebert, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Padmanabhan Rengasamy, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Case of Rosai Dorfman Disease in a Patient with Newly Diagnosed Hodgkin Lymphoma
Liza Salloum, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Jennifer Rojas Huen, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Ricardo Serna, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Alisha Valdez, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
CEACAM7 emerges as a promising early detection biomarker in pancreatic cancer.
Anupam Dhasmana, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Swati Dhasmana, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Iris A. Enriquez-Perez, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Sheema Khan, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Murali M. Yallapu, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Subhash C. Chauhan, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Chasing incessant urinary tract infections results in an intriguing case of myeloma kidney.
Jessica Marcela Daza, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Eunbee Cho, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Shakirat Ganiyu, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Celia Patricia Daza, Universidad Libre de Colombia
Cesar Gutierrez, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Circular Gene Mapping of Identified AMR Genes in Multi-Drug Resistant Escherichia coli Isolated from Potable Water
Shikha Sharma, Amity University Noida
Abhishek Chauhan, Amity University Noida
Tanu Jindal, Amity University Noida
Vivek Narayan Singh, Shriram Institute for Industrial Research
Anuj Ranjan, Southern Federal University
Clinical significance of targeting ribosome biogenesis in pancreatic cancer therapy
Mudassier Ahmad, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Sahir Sultan Alvi, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Haider Ahsan, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Carlos Perez, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Muhammad Bangash, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Andrew Massey, National Institutes of Health
Emmanuel Anning, Baylor School of Medicine
Aun A. Bangash, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Manu Sebastian, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Manish Tripathi, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Dae Joon Kim, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Subhash Chauhan, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Bilal B. Hafeez, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Comparative Effectiveness of Endovascular vs Surgical Arteriovenous Fistulas: A Preliminary Analysis
Melissa M. Cruz, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
James J. Fitzgibbon, Brigham and Women's Hospital
Patrick Heindel, Brigham and Women's Hospital
Mohamad Hussain, Brigham and Women's Hospital
Effect of Alcohol Consumption on Cognitive Decline among Mexican Adults
Silvia Mejia-Arango, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Ihsan Salloum, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Gladys E. Maestre, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Emergency Total Proctocolectomy in an Uninsured Hispanic Man with Colorectal Adenocarcinoma Secondary to Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
Barbara Malaga-Espinoza, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Diana Othon, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Yilen K. Ng-Wong, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Vamsikalyan Borra, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Aramide Tijani, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Fatimah Bello, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Emotion Recognition as a Novel Indicator for Assessing Brain Health: A Machine learning Approach
Nayarah Shabir, University of Jammu, India
Parveen Lehana, University of Jammu
Exploring Neuroplasticity Changes in Neurotoxin-induced Parkinson’s Disease: A Preliminary Analysis using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Tomas Gomez Jr., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Daniel Salinas, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Kelsey Potter-Baker, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Nawaz Hack, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Ramu Vadukapuram, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Healthcare Professional’s Attitudes Towards Interprofessional Collaboration
Martin Ekoumou, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Jerome Fischer, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Human Papilloma Viruses Infection and Pre-Malignant Lesions in Women on the Texas Mexico Border
Noe Garza, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
M. Gomez Gutierrez, Clinica de Especialidades Santa Teresa
Candace Robledo, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Ihsan Salloum, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Improving Health and Sustainability in Construction through the Use of AI-Based Models for Prediction and Mitigation of environmental cancer risks
Sana Khan, Islamic University of Science and Technology
Asif Shah, Central University of Kashmir
Inflammatory Breast Carcinoma in the Rio Grande Valley: A Case Report
Miguel A. Lopez, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Maria Villegas, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Thomas Davis, Sagis Diagnostics
Little bit about Liddle: Big improvement in blood pressure
Shreel Patel, Internal Medicine, Knapp Medical Center, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Roy Kondapavuluru, Internal Medicine, Knapp Medical Center, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Eunbee Cho, Internal Medicine, Knapp Medical Center, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Fatimah Bello, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Jian Garcia Cruz, Internal Medicine, Knapp Medical Center, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
LncRNA malat1 as a novel stress related factor in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Amayrani Sanchez, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Podiatric Medicine
Kyle Doxtater, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Mohammad Shabir Hussain, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Sophia M. Leslie, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Subhash C. Chuahan, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Elias George, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Manish Kumar Tripathi, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Metabolic reprogramming in breast cancer patients as revealed by 1H NMR spectroscopy
Anusmita Shekher, Banaras Hindu University
Ankit Srivastava, Banaras Hindu University
Puneet, Banaras Hindu University
Nikee Awasthee, Banaras Hindu University
Dinesh Kumar, Centre of Biomedical Research (CBMR), SGPGIMS, Lucknow
Subash Chandra Gupta, Banaras Hindu University
Moringin, an isothiocyanate improves the susceptibility of breast cancer cells to doxorubicin
Ankit Srivastava, Banaras Hindu University
Anusmita Shekher, Banaras Hindu University
Subash Chandra Gupta, Banaras Hindu University
Novel strategy to make KRAS targeted therapies more effective for PDAC treatment
Ana I. Martinez Bulnes, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Melissa Elizondo, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Orlando Garcia, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Poornima Devi Shaji, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Swathi Holla, Baylor College of Medicine
Nirnoy Dan, University Of Connecticut
Anupam Dhasmana, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Swati Dhasmana, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Shabnam Malik, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Murali Yallapu, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Stephen Behrman, Baptist Memorial Hospital and Medical Education
Subhash Chauhan, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Sheema Khan, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Novel therapeutic strategy for cervical cancer treatment
Mohammed Sikander, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Shabnam Malik, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
John Apraku, South Dakota State University
Sonam Kumari, University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Parvez Khan, Jamia Millia Islamia University
Daniel Zubieta, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Hassan Mandil, University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Aditya Ganju, University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Bhavin Chauhan, University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Maria C. Bell, Sanford Health
Man Mohan Singh, CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute
Sheema Khan, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Murali M. Yallapu, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Fathi T. Halaweish, South Dakota State University
Meena Jaggi, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Subhash C. Chauhan, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Optimization and characterization of one-step multi-functionalization of virus-like particles for multimodality nanoplatforms
Andrea Dorado Baeza, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Prakhar Sengar, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Rafael Vázquez-Duhalt, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Kanchan Chauhan, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Piperlongumine nanoformulation attenuates pancreatic tumor desmoplasia and alter tumor immune responses
Vivek Kumar Kashyap, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Neeraj Chauhan, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Mohammed Sikander, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Eswara N. H. K. Ghali, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Bilal Hafeez, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Murali M. Yallapu, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Meena Jaggi, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Subhash C. Chauhan, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Proteomic analysis of stress associated factor overexpression in Hepatocellular carcinoma
Mohammad Shabir Hussain, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Sophia Leslie, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Amayrani Sanchez, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Samantha Lopez, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Kyle Doxtater, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Manish Kumar Tripathi, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Revolutionizing Feature Selection: A Breakthrough Approach for Enhanced Accuracy and Reduced Dimensions, with Implications for Early Medical Diagnostics
Shabia Shabir Khan, Islamic University of Science and Technology
Majid Shafi Kawoosa, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology
Bonny Bannerjee, University of Memphis
Subhash C. Chauhan, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Sheema Khan, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Risk of Food Insecurity Reflects Health Status in Adult Relatives of PreK Children – Data from the STEPS Snap-Ed Research Study
Lisa M B Salinas, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Karla Cortez, Social and Health Research Center
Brenda Rodriguez, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Joseph Reyes, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Moises Cisneros, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Elizabeth Alanis, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Zasha Romero, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Lin Wang, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Juan C. Lopez-Alvarenga, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Roberto Treviño-Peña, Social and Health Research Center
Role of Gut Microbiome in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Varsha Gupta, Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University, India
Jaya Prakash, Consultant Orthopaedician, Community Health Centre, Shivrajpur, Kanpur
Role of TRPV6 in Mitigating Alcohol-Induced Disruption of Tight Junctions, Barrier Function, and Hepatic Injury
Avtar S. Meena, All India Institute of Medical Sciences
Radhakrishna K. Rao, University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Targeting mycobacterial efflux system for combating anti-microbial resistance
Arathi Radhakrishnan, Amity University Uttar Pradesh
Raj Kishor Kapardar, The Energy and Resources Institute
Rajpal Srivastav, Amity University Uttar Pradesh
The Increasing Prevalence of Cleft Lip with or without Cleft Palate in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas
Yossef Alsabawi, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Aaron I. Dadzie, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Tyler Torres, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Elias Arellano, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Paul A. Berry, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
The role of a cancer testis-antigen in regulating tumor growth and oncogenic pathways in triple-negative breast cancer.
Melina J. Sedano, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso
Alana L. Harrison, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso
Victoria Reid, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso
Subramanian Dhandayuthapani, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso
Shrikanth S. Gadad, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso
The role of divergent noncoding gene in triple-negative breast Cancer
Barbara Yang, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso
Melina J. Sedano, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso
Shrikanth S. Gadad, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso
The Role of Oral Microbiota in Periodontitis and Alzheimer's Disease
Noah Al-Hassan, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Taha Al Hassan, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Juan C. Lopez-Alvarenga, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Maria Quinones, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Seratna Guadarrama, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Too Yellow: An Idiopathic Case Of Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia
Shreel Patel, Internal Medicine, Knapp Medical Center, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Kashif Ali, Internal Medicine, Knapp Medical Center, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Donnel Dockery-Joseph, Internal Medicine, Knapp Medical Center, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Eunbee Cho, Internal Medicine, Knapp Medical Center, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Sriharsha Koneru, Internal Medicine, Knapp Medical Center, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Taha Al Hassan, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Aramide Tijani, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Elimar Gonzalez Morales, Internal Medicine, Knapp Medical Center, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
What time is it? It is 8-and-a-1/2 time. A rare case about right medial pontine stroke, right INO, right facial colliculus ischemic stroke consistent with eight-and-a-half syndrome.
Jessica Marcela Daza, Internal Medicine, Knapp Medical Center, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Eunbee Cho, Internal Medicine, Knapp Medical Center, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Celia Patricia Daza, Universidad Libre de Colombia
Shakirat Ganiyu, Internal Medicine, Knapp Medical Center, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine
Francisco Gomez, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine